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Created for: The Sims 3
This Creation has Requirements - Click here to show them
Lili Xiu is a computer Whiz who loves allsorts of technology, she's never seen without her smartphone. She wants to be a famous blogger :)
-You NEED to install the skintone if you want her to look exactly like the pictured sim.
-No custom sliders. Only EA sliders
-all EP'S and SP'S owned but are not required for the sim to download. You only need the base game.
-Please do not modify my template, reupload to claim as your own.
-**IMPORTANT!PLEASE See notes for CC content and links**
-game updated to the latest patch
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1209380
ItemID: 1209380
Filesize: 983 KB
-There is NO CC included with this sim YOU MUST download the following items to have the sim exactly like the picture!-
-Skin by Missdaydreams: *click*
-Seductive eyeshadow: *click*
-Sweet Gloss with Teeth: *click*
-Simply Shy Blush: *click*
-PS Innocent Eyelashes: *click*
-PS Realistic Eyes: *click*
-PS Classic Nails: *click*
Alesso:Soldier Hair: *click*
Prettiful Dress: *click*
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.
Required Expansion/Stuff Packs: